
中文公司名稱 智邦科技股份有限公司
產業別 製造業
公司地址 新竹市研新三路1號
公司網址 https://www.accton.com.tw/accton
職務項次 職務一 職務二
職務名稱 硬體研發副工程師 HW design Engineet 生產助理工程師 Production Assistant Engineer
人數 10 ten 30 ten
工作內容 1.協助硬體專案開發。 Assist in hardware project development.
2.硬體電路測試驗證。 Hardware circuit test verification.
3.測試文件編寫。 Test file writing.
協助產品生產 Asist in product production
職務需求 英文聽說讀寫能力中等English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills中文聽說讀寫普通Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing 英文聽說讀寫能力中等English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills中文聽說讀寫普通Chinese listening, speaking, reading and writing
要求學歷、科系 大學 University、電子/電機
Department of Electronics Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
大學 University、 none
上班地點 台灣 Taiwan 台灣 Taiwan
上班時段 周一至周五8:30~17:30  Monday to Friday AM8:30-PM17:30 周一至周五8:30~17:30  Monday to Friday AM8:30-PM17:30
是否需要負管理責任 無 none 無 none
是否需出差外派 無 none 無 none
休假制度 周休二日 Two days off 周休二日 Two days off
公司福利 1. 優於勞基法的彈性休假制度。
A flexible leave system that is superior to the Labor Law.
2. 年度旅遊及不定期舉辦各項活動。
Annual tourism and irregular activities.
3. 提供三節獎金、盈餘分紅、專利獎勵金等,獎勵員工優秀表現。
Provide three bonuses, surplus dividends, patent incentives, etc., to reward employees for excellent performance
4. 提供生日禮券與團保、結婚/生育/住院/喪葬等各項補助。
Provide birthday certificates and various subsidies such as group insurance, marriage/childbirth/hospitalization/funeral.
5. 員工團體旅遊補助,增強彼此向心力。
Employee group travel subsidies to enhance each other’s centripetal force.
6. 企業內員工結婚給予每月津貼3,000元。
Employees in the enterprise are given a monthly allowance of 3,000 yuan for marriage.
7. 完善教育訓練課程。
Improve education and training courses.
8. 提供餐費補助及廠內設有員工餐廳,專業廚師為同仁食安把關。
The factory has a free-use coffee machine and a vending machine.
9. 擁有專業醫學專科醫師及護理師,管理同仁健康,並開辦豐富醫療保健講座、預防篩檢等健康促進活動。
Provide meal subsidies and staff canteens in the factory, professional chefs
1. 優於勞基法的彈性休假制度。
A flexible leave system that is superior to the Labor Law.
2. 年度旅遊及不定期舉辦各項活動。
Annual tourism and irregular activities.
3. 提供三節獎金、盈餘分紅、專利獎勵金等,獎勵員工優秀表現。
Provide three bonuses, surplus dividends, patent incentives, etc., to reward employees for excellent performance
4. 提供生日禮券與團保、結婚/生育/住院/喪葬等各項補助。
Provide birthday certificates and various subsidies such as group insurance, marriage/childbirth/hospitalization/funeral.
5. 員工團體旅遊補助,增強彼此向心力。
Employee group travel subsidies to enhance each other’s centripetal force.
6. 企業內員工結婚給予每月津貼3,000元。
Employees in the enterprise are given a monthly allowance of 3,000 yuan for marriage.
7. 完善教育訓練課程。
Improve education and training courses.
8. 提供餐費補助及廠內設有員工餐廳,專業廚師為同仁食安把關。
The factory has a free-use coffee machine and a vending machine.
9. 擁有專業醫學專科醫師及護理師,管理同仁健康,並開辦豐富醫療保健講座、預防篩檢等健康促進活動。
Provide meal subsidies and staff canteens in the factory, professional chefs
薪資待遇(以工作地點幣別計算) 40.000 面議(Negotiate salary) 40.000 面議(Negotiate salary)

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About the Author: JiuDi

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